Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training RYS 200hrs

Certified 200hrs. Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training,
by Beatrice Savaris & Moena de Jong

START October 2024


Seriously the best decision I made in the last 10 years 🙂 I’m super happy with the training!
I’m not sure you know how much it does mean to me to have been part of this.

Free Introduction sessions

Learn about the training, get to know Moena & Beatrice and ask all your questions about the training in the upcoming introduction session. This session is the perfect moment to find out of this training is the right choice for you and you’ll be right on time to register for the Early Bird pricing option.


Friday 16 Aug
19.00 – 20.00
Tula Bos en Lommer


Saturday 21 Sep
19.30 – 20.00
Tula Bos en Lommer

This program is right for you!

This registered 200-hour training does much more than deepen your yoga practice and help you develop as a teacher; it is a program intended to inspire transformation in your life. Through the study of asana, pranayama, lifestyle philosophy, ayurveda, anatomy and beyond, watch the changes unfold on and off your mat!

​This program is suitable for any level of student. However, we do advice to have a self-practice of at least two times a week for at least two years. Our yoga style of focus is that of Vinyasa, however, the tools gained will be transferable to many styles of yoga.


After graduating from this Teacher Training (passing a written and practical exam), you are eligible for a Yoga Alliance Certification RYT-200 (Registered Yoga Teacher).

Tula graduates

Vinyasa TTC graduates 2019 - TULA Yogastudio Amsterdam
Graduation class of 2020 - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

What others say about this training


Babette (2023) “Starting this TT I had no idea what to expect. Diving deeper into yoga to understand why I love it so much was my intention. Well, I found my ‘why’ and so much more! And even though I was not planning on teaching, I do teach and love to share my energy with the students. Life changing.”

Goode (2023) “It’s a comprehensive yoga training program, which featured two exceptional teachers, each with distinct styles. The blend of their unique approaches enriched my practice and deepened my understanding of yoga. Now I started teaching and it’s amazing to share my passion with likewise people.”

Jessica (2023) “The training has been truly transformative to me. Devoting my time to it has probably been the best decision of my life. It has changed my entire outlook on life. Moena and Beatrice are very genuine and committed in their own unique, authentic ways. They encourage you to find your own voice, to do everything you’re fearful off”

Laura (2020) “Devoting my time and energy to this Vinyasa teacher training was the best decision I ever mad. I has been a real journey. A life changing journey. A real dream come true.”

Jessi (2020) “Transforming and evolving into the best version of yourself. That’s what happens in this training! ♡”

Akkemay (2019) “The Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training at TULA is transformational on so many levels that it is hard to explain in a few lines. The training is very complete and gives an insight in everything yoga is about: from philosophy, energy and chakra’s, to anatomy, asana’s and even classes about the business side of being a yoga teacher. And so much more! Besides learning everything yoga encompasses and how to teach a properly sequenced and themed class, the training focuses on finding your own true voice and how to transfer that into your teaching. I believe doing this training is the greatest gift you can give yourself.”

Judith (2019) “I loved the commitment and personal approach of the teachers (who are like the sun and the moon, both giving their different takes on yoga, which enriched my teacher training), I loved the dynamic of our heartwarming group, laughing and crying our way to becoming a yoga teacher.”

Sarah (2018) “Van oktober 2017 tot april 2018 volgde ik de Vinyasa Teacher Training bij Tula. De training was super goed opgezet en de docenten hebben een bak aan ervaring en kennis. Wat mij betreft is deze training de perfecte basis voor als je yoga docent wilt worden of meer wilt weten van yoga.”

Noortje (2018) “Na een aantal fijne yogalessen bij Tula, heb ik ook mijn teacher training hier gedaan. Mijn keus voor Tula heb ik vooral gemaakt vanwege de focus op anatomie en de juiste uitvoering van yoga poses, maar ook vanwege de sfeer in de studio’s. Tijdens de training is ook veel aandacht besteed aan een eigen stijl als yoga teacher en is ervoor gezorgd dat we het zelfvertrouwen kregen om les te gaan geven. Dit had ik aan het begin van de training echt niet verwacht! Ik heb geen moment spijt gehad van mijn keuze en ben hartstikke tevreden over alles wat Tula mij geleerd heeft 🙂 Dankjulliewel!”



Join us for this certified 200-hour yoga Teacher Training program!
We will dive into the deep exploration of yoga from the most practical and logical aspects to the mystical wonders. This qualified and registered training program will enrich your own life and the communities you desire to share it with. If you want to become a knowledgeable and authentic yoga teacher or if you want to deepen your yoga practice on both physical and philosophical level, this outstanding training program will spark positive transformation in your life.

This training has been mindfully created by international yoga teachers Moena de Jong & Beatrice Savaris. You will work hard, deepen your practice, and explore your life’s purpose. You will gain all the tools to become a knowledgeable and effective yoga teacher or to deepen your personal practice.

     You will learn from the highly experienced lead trainers Moena de Jong & Beatrice Savaris who are already delivering incredible trainings for many years.

     We keep the group small so you receive ultimate personal attention and we can create an optimal learning environment.

     This training goes much deeper than solely learning about postures, philosophy and teaching, it’s a true personal journey of exploring and learning about yourself.

     After completing the training you can register as Yoga Alliance Certified teachers – 200hrs. training.

Yoga training Amsterdam

Additional bonuses

Besides the already impressive content of the training we offer you additional bonuses.
These aren’t usually included in a teacher training, but we believe it’s highly valuable for you.

These extra’s are for those who can’t get enough of all the yoga experiences in the training.
When you sign up for the training you receive:

   The 20hrs. online Yoga Anatomy training course from Viki Stelma-Boviatsis (founder of Tula)

   Masterclass Effective Communication, Marketing & Entrepreneurship for yoga teachers, from Ruben Stelma (founder of Tula)

   Extra training hours for practicing teaching in the studio, under guidance of a certified yoga teacher

    Massive discount on a Tula unlimited membership

Limited spots available

As you can read above we keep the number of participants low to ensure a high quality training.

Every year between 14-20 yogis are admitted to join this training, and we do so after receiving the registration forms.
Please click to button below to register for the training and begin your personal yoga journey at Tula.

Enrollments close on Sunday October 1t, 2024

Training days 2024

12 weekends | 200hrs.
October : 5 & 6 | 19 & 20
November : 9 & 10 | 23 & 24
December : 14 & 15
January : 18 & 19
February : 1 & 2 | 22 & 23
March : 15 & 16
April: 5 & 6 
May: 10 & 11 | 17 & 18 (exams & graduation)

Time: 10.00 – 18.00hrs

Investment (in yourself)

€2.790 early bird*  including training material (paid before 1 August ’24)
€2.990 including training material

Not included: 40 yoga classes as requirement to follow during the duration of the training.

Get in touch

Curious about a training?

But, with a few questions?
We’ll be happy to be in touch and help you out.
Use the button below to share your question and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

download the free ebook for the Tula Vinyasa Yoga teacher training


Life changing! Starting this TT I had no idea what to expect. Diving deeper into yoga to understand why I love it so much was my intention. Well, I found my ‘why’ and so much more! And even though I was not planning on teaching, I do teach and love to share my energy with the students.”


Your Trainers

MOENA DE JONGMoena de Jong yogadocent bij TULA

Practicing and teaching yoga is an art, connecting to the heart.

Moena teaches her classes the same way she loves to receive lessons: welcoming at all times, open to positive, transformative experiences. Aside from your unique individual experience of feeling more open and gaining a broader perspective of your possibilities, you feel the magic of a group synergy as the energy in class is uplifting.

As much as Moena has a razor blade sharp eye for Alignment she loves the fluidity of music that flows organically with the movements. As she has a passion for the Sanskrit language, she also has a lifetime love relationship with Mantra’s. She will surely share this with you with the use of her harmonium.

​Her quality is to make all unique and different individuals feel welcome and connected. Dare to be different and radiate in your weirdness is her biggest source of inspiration.

“Moena really knows how to properly teach and to keep us engaged and concentrated throughout the whole day. She is also incredibly funny and witty. I absolutely loved her energy and teachings. She is very inspiring.
Laura Elenbaas

BEATRICE SAVARISVinyasa lead trainer Beatrice Savaris

Beatrice discovered yoga in a period of massive change where finally she found herself grounding back into the yoga mat. Moved by her curiosity, she undertook her first yoga teacher training simply to deepen her knowledge both spiritually and physically. After completing the course, she immediately started teaching to absolve the desire to share with others the benefits that yoga brought into her life, hoping that others could experience the same in their life too.

She continued to deepen her studies of life and yoga attending Level1 and 2 trainings with Baron Baptiste and over the last years, she expanded her knowledge attending workshops and trainings with many teachers such as Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshank, Annie Carpenter, Rocky Heron, Noah Mazè just to name a few. Beatrice also supplemented her studies with a Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga teacher training with Uma Dinsmore and a Yin Yoga and meridians teacher training with Annie Au. But the journey as a student never ends!

In the last years she taught in Italy, Switzerland and Netherlands in lots of yoga studios, companies, public events and to athletes, making yoga accessible to everyone. Besides giving regular classes she is the lead teacher in multiple Teacher Training Programs in The Netherlands and Switzerland.

Beatrice’s mantra is “let it be” – this means living a life without attachment to fully exist in the present moment. Allowing people, situations, yourself just being as they are and, instead of using energy to try to change them, to focus into our actions to plant seeds for happiness in all its meanings.

Beatrice felt like my mother figure in this training. Strict, yet also very warm. She really gave me a lot of confidence and helped me be authentic.
Marianka Zlatkovic


This yoga training features two exceptional teachers, each with distinct styles. The blend of their unique approaches enriched my practice and deepened my understanding of yoga.”

'Exams/graduation day'

Graduation - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam
Graduation - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam
Graduation - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam
Graduation - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam
Graduates - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam
Graduation - Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 2019 - TULA Yoga Amsterdam

Course Curriculum


Teaching & Self-practice

During this training you will gain all the tools to become a knowledgeable, authentic and effective yoga teacher. We also believe in the importance of a steady self-practice. As you practice, you will open your mind and your heart and this will bring you to higher states of awareness. From practicing, you will learn and understand your own body and will then be able to teach others.

You will learn
○    The art of teaching
○    Sequencing and theming
○    Join a minimum amount of yoga classes during the training
○    Observe a minimum amount of yoga classes during the training
○    Work with other students on teaching assignments
○    Chanting
○    Life Integration of the practice of yoga


We will explore the physical body in a very practical way and will stimulate visual and active learning. Learn how the body moves and how to adapt a practice for various physical particularities. An understanding of anatomy can also greatly transform your personal practice.

You will learn
○    Introduction to the anatomy of the human body
○    Physiology of the human body
○    Muscular-skeletal system
○    Nervous system
○    Respiratory system
○    Functional Anatomy: how body movements relate into postures
○    Reading bodies
○    Modifications in postures
○    Common injuries and other physical constraints
○    Understanding proper use of props and modifications

A 20 hours online anatomy course is included, which you can complete in your own time.

Asana & Bandhas

Asana, defined as “seat,” is the physical practice of yoga. Discover how to create a balance of effort and ease (sthira sukha) within every posture through the use of proper alignment, pranayama, bandhas, and intention.

You will learn
○    Healthy alignment
○    The physical and spiritual effects of bandha’s
○    How to assist and adjust students in a pose
○    Common injuries
○    Contraindications
○    How and when to make postural modifications
○    Benefits of a posture
○    Modifications and beneficial postures for prenatal students
○    Hands-on assists and adjustments

Yogic Anatomy

We will introduce you to the subtle bodies, helping you to understand the benefits of yoga.

You will learn
○    The Chakra System
○    Mudras
○    Development of physical, intellectual, & emotional intelligence

Pranayama & Meditation

Pranayama can deepen an asana practice, be used as a tool for dealing with depression and anxiety, and can be beneficial in many other circumstances off the mat.

You will learn
○    About the muscles that aid the respiration process
○    The background and theory of pranayama
○    How and when to practice various pranayama techniques
○    How and when to teach these techniques
○    Several meditation techniques
○    Research how meditation works within the brain by diving into research studies
○    Establish and maintain a regular meditation practice​

Yoga Philosophy

Throughout this program, some of the philosophies relating to yoga will be explored through discussions, experiments, reading, and writing. Additionally, we will dive into practical philosophy as it relates to your practice, teaching, and life off the mat. Challenge your reductive views of self and other, inspire inclusivity in your life, and invite transformation of thought and action.

You will learn
○    History of yoga
○    Sanskrit
○    Styles of yoga
○    Discuss Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali
○    Discuss the first 6 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and discover how to translate them into your yoga off the mat
○    Study the eight-limbed path of yoga

Communication, Marketing & Business

As a teacher you will have a different relation with students than when you are a student yourself. Effective communication on and off your mat will help you filling in this new role. Moreover, it can also help you build a loyal group of students around your classes. Since you study to become a teacher learning about the business side of teaching will help you grow as a professional.

Yoga & Pregnancy

Learn how to manage pregnant students in a Vinyasa class by understanding the pregnancy stages, what to do/not to do, asana modifications etcetera.


The word “Ayur” comes from the Sanskrit word “Ayuh” meaning life and “Veda” can be translated as wisdom or knowledge. So basically, Ayurveda means “the knowledge of life”. In its essence Ayurveda provides you with the knowledge of who you are and how to live your life in harmony. For this you need to understand your own mind-body personality (dosha) and Ayurveda gives you the key to this understanding. On top of that, it is the first ever recorded system of healing the physical, mental and energetic body. Fundamentally, it is giving each individual the personal tools to live a balanced and fulfilled lifestyle.

Moena and Beatrice mindfully created this training and improved it over the years. Every training day will contain a yoga class (or two), theoretical study and practical studies. During the training there will be teacher assistants who will support you during teaching practice hours. These assistants are trainees from previous trainings, and are now teaching at Tula as well.

Daily schedule

Daily : 10:00 – 18:00 hrs

Lunch break 1 hour (lunch is not included)

Starts 5 October 2024

Training days 2024

12 weekends | 200hrs.
October : 5 & 6 | 19 & 20
November : 9 & 10 | 23 & 24
December : 14 & 15
January : 18 & 19
February : 1 & 2 | 22 & 23
March : 15 & 16
April: 5 & 6 
May: 10 & 11 | 17 & 18 (exams & graduation)

Additional days – anatomy course & practice teaching skills

A 20 hours online anatomy course is included in this curriculum and is obligatory.
You can complete this course in your own time finishing before Christmas.

We will have 3 additional days were you can practice your teaching skills under the guidance of a teacher.
These days are not obligatory, but highly recommended.

  • t.b.c

Your total investment for the Yin Teacher Training depends on the pricing option you select. These prices do not include VAT, nor will this be added, since TULA is a registered vocational institute at CRKBO.

Pricing options

Early bird : € 2.790
⤿ paid before August 1st 2024

Regular : € 2.990,-
⤿ paid before 23 Sept. 2024

Additional expenses

All the training material is included in the price of the training, except for the books on the reading list. Furthermore it is a requirement to join at least 40 yoga classes during the course of the training. A specific amount of these classes should be followed with the lead trainers, but the remaining classes can be followed at any yoga studio.

Class assistant

In every training we have one spot for a class assistant. An assistant helps the trainer with preparing the room for every training day, and to make sure the room and studio are neat when the training day is finished. As class assistant you receive a 20-class card (€230) in exchange. If you’re interested to become the assistant please send us an email.

your 5 steps to start this teacher training

1.   Carefully read the terms & agreements
2.   Fill in the registration form online
          ⤿ You’ll receive a confirmation and invoice
3.   Complete the (deposit) payment to secure your spot
          ⤿ You’ll receive a confirmation
4.   You will receive more detailed practical information about the training
5.   Start studying the reading material

Since the capacity of TULA trainings is limited we advise to apply early.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our email is
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Want to learn more about the training in person?
Please join one of the FREE introduction sessions with Moena & Beatrice in the studio » Intro sessions



After this training, will I be ready to start as a yoga teacher?
When you’ve completed this training and have received the Tula certificate we trust you to be a capable yoga teacher. You’ve learned all the basic principles to provide a wonderful class, so you’re ready to teach. However, if this is your first training you will notice that there’s so much more to learn that doesn’t fit into one 200hour training. Therefore you can see your first training as a strong foundation to build on.

How many training days may be missed?
Of course we prefer you don’t miss a day, but if it happens you may miss two training days. When you miss more you can choose to book private yoga classes with the lead trainers. When you’ve missed to many days you can’t receive a certificate.

How much study time can I expect?
Besides the training days you will be asked to join 40 yoga classes. More is always better! Furthermore, you may expect about 2 hours of studying per week.

I don’t think I want to become a yoga teacher, is that okay?
It certainly is. Usually halve of the participants join this training to strengthen and deepen their own practice. That’s totally fine. It will give you great personal insights as well, besides all the yoga information.

How can I know if this yoga teacher training is right for me?
We always advise to join one of the free introduction sessions at Tula, but also at other yoga studios. It’s very important that you feel a connection with the teacher(s) and the studio. If the feeling is not right you won’t enjoy the full potential of the training. We wrote a blog article about choosing the right yoga teacher training (in Dutch) that might be helpful > blog

What happens when there is a lockdown?
In case of a lockdown the Teacher Training will continue via an online livestream on the same days as planned.

Joining a Vinyasa Yoga teacher training at Tula Yoga Amsterdam

certified Vinyasa Yoga teacher training Amsterdam

At Tula we are dedicated to fostering excellence, community, and mentorship. Our yoga academy is designed to provide you with the highest quality trainings, ensuring that you not only deepen your own practice but also emerge as a skilled and confident yoga teacher.

In our trainings, we place a strong emphasis group work and collaboration. We believe that learning and growth are enriched through shared experiences and support from peers. Through group activities, discussions, and practice teaching sessions, you will have the opportunity to connect with fellow trainees, building a supportive network that extends beyond the training itself.

We understand the importance of having knowledgeable and experienced teachers to guide you on your journey. That’s why we carefully select our faculty, ensuring that they are not only experts in their field but also passionate about sharing their wisdom with aspiring yoga teachers like yourself. Our teachers are committed to providing personalized attention, guidance, and mentorship, helping you navigate through your training with confidence and clarity.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey together, where you will not only learn the art and science of yoga but also cultivate lifelong friendships and a deeper understanding of yourself.

 Op de Tula Trainingen zijn onze Algemene Voorwaarden voor Trainingen van toepassing.
Lees de Algemene voorwaarden hier.
Tula Yogastudio’s is geregistreerd bij Yoga Alliance.

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Please send me more information about the TULA Yoga Teacher Trainings!